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Vibrance Icon Pack Theme v5.0.1 for Android
Terbaru 2017
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Vibrance Icon Pack Theme v5.0.1 for Android
link: Vibrance Icon Pack Theme v5.0.1 for Android
Berbagi Vibrance Icon Pack Theme v5.0.1 for Android Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Vibrance Icon Pack Theme v5.0.1
Requirements: 4.0+
Overview: Vibrance HD is all ready to set the new design trend in theming world. With eye popping icon colors and trailing long shadow, this theme is a unique combination of simplicity and beauty . Enjoy
## Includes 1300+ icons
## Theme Dashboard to apply theme, choose wallpaper or contact us.
## Desaturation of unthemed icons & icon base to gel with the theme.
## Includes 9 different icon backs for unthemed icons.
## HD Icons at 144×144 resolution.
## Multi Launcher Support.
## 17 beautiful wallpapers.
## Apex Launcher
## Nova Launcher
## Go Launcher
## Holo Launcher
## Adw Launcher
## Atom Launcher
## Action Launcher Pro
## Unicon ( Icon themer )
## Nemus Launcher ( Theming of unthemed icons doesn’t work )
## and probably more
v 5.0
## 750+ new icons added
## Redesigned over 20 icons to newer design
## All new exclusive wallpapers added
## All new material design theme dashboard
## Fixed many activities
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