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Cara Backup dan Restore android dengan CWM Recovery
Terbaru 2017
- Hay gaes kali ini team Lampu Informasi, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul Cara Backup dan Restore android dengan CWM Recovery, kami selaku Team Lampu Informasi telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Lampu Informasi. semoga isi postingan tentang
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Cara Backup dan Restore android dengan CWM Recovery
link: Cara Backup dan Restore android dengan CWM Recovery
Berbagi Cara Backup dan Restore android dengan CWM Recovery Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
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Berikut Cara Backup Dan Restore ROM Android Dengan CWM Recovery :
- Melakukan Backup
- Pertama anda harus siapkan CWM dan menginstallnya di Android anda. Untuk yang belum tau caranya bisa dilihat pada cara memasang CWM di Advan E1C Pro.
- Pastikan baterai Android anda terisi penuh atau sekurang-kurangnya 50%.
- Persiapkan SD Card anda, usahakan masih memiliki kapasitas yang memadai untuk melakukan backup. Ukuran ROM tidaklah sama, tapi ketika saya melakukan backup Stock ROM ukurannya hampir 1GB kira-kira. Jadi usahakan SD Card anda bisa menyimpan ukuran file backup, jika sudah penuh saya sarankan dipindahkan dulu ke pc.
- Masuk ke CWM, caranya berbeda setiap ponsel. Ada yang bisa langsung masuk ke CWM karena bisa memakai CWM permanen, ada yang harus masuk ke recovery bawaan dulu kemudian flash CWM baru bisa masuk karena CWM tidak bersifat permanen. Saya yakin anda sudah tahu caranya. Biasanya adalah menekan tombol Home+Power+Volume up bersamaan.
- Kalau sudah bisa masuk ke CWM pilih backup and restore kemudian pilih backup dan tunggu hingga prosesnya selesai.
- Jika sudah reboot Android anda dengan memilih reboot system now dan lihat pada SD Card apakah sudah ada file backup tadi, biasanya di SD Card/clockworkmod/backup/(biasanya folder dinamai dengan tanggal melakukan backup). Jangan pernah pindahkan folder atau file tersebut, biarkan saja pada tempat aslinya. Saran saya salin ke komputer biar aman.
Here's How To Backup And Restore Android ROM with CWM Recovery :
- How to Perform Backup
- First you have to prepare CWM and install it on your Android. For those who do not know how to be seen on how to install CWM in Advan E1C Pro.
- Make sure your Android battery is fully charged or at least 50%.
- Prepare your SD Card, try still have sufficient capacity to perform backups. ROM size is not the same, but when I do a backup Stock ROM size is almost 1GB approx. So try to SD Card, you can save the backup file size, if it is full I suggest transferred first to the pc.
- Go to CWM, how different each phone. No one can directly enter CWM CWM because it can wear permanently, no one should go into default recovery first and then flash new CWM can be entered for CWM will not be permanent. I'm sure you already know how. Usually is pressing the Home + Power + Volume up simultaneously.
- If it can get into CWM select backup and restore and then select backup and wait until the process is complete.
- If you've rebooted your Android by choosing reboot system now and see the SD Card if there is already a backup file before, usually in SD Card/clockworkmod/backup/ (usually a folder named with the date perform backups). Never move the folder or file, leave it in its original place. My suggestion copy it to a computer to be safe.
- Melakukan Restore
- Masuk ke CWM atau recovery lain.
- Pilih wipe data , wipe cahce , dan wipe dalvik (Optional) Jika kalian tidak ingin langsung ke step selanjutnya saja.
- kemudian pilih backup and restore, pilih restore, dan restore yang ada di folder dengan nama tanggal backup tadi lalu tunggu beberapa saat.
- Setelah itu lakukan reboot dan mungkin akan memakan waktu yang lumayan lama.
- How to Restore
- Go to CWM or other recovery.
- Select wipe data, wipe your cache, and wipe Dalvik (Optional) If you do not want to directly to the next step alone.
- then select backup and restore, choose a restore, and restore in the folder with the name of the backup date and then wait a few moments earlier.
- After the reboot, and it will probably take a fairly long time.
Sekian artikel ini dibuat dari pengalaman admin sendiri dengan maksud untuk berbagi apabila ada kesalahan mohon maaf, dan bila ada kritik & saran silahkan berkomentar dibawah. Akhir kata saya ucapkan terimakasih.
- How to Perform Backup
- First you have to prepare CWM and install it on your Android. For those who do not know how to be seen on how to install CWM in Advan E1C Pro.
- Make sure your Android battery is fully charged or at least 50%.
- Prepare your SD Card, try still have sufficient capacity to perform backups. ROM size is not the same, but when I do a backup Stock ROM size is almost 1GB approx. So try to SD Card, you can save the backup file size, if it is full I suggest transferred first to the pc.
- Go to CWM, how different each phone. No one can directly enter CWM CWM because it can wear permanently, no one should go into default recovery first and then flash new CWM can be entered for CWM will not be permanent. I'm sure you already know how. Usually is pressing the Home + Power + Volume up simultaneously.
- If it can get into CWM select backup and restore and then select backup and wait until the process is complete.
- If you've rebooted your Android by choosing reboot system now and see the SD Card if there is already a backup file before, usually in SD Card/clockworkmod/backup/ (usually a folder named with the date perform backups). Never move the folder or file, leave it in its original place. My suggestion copy it to a computer to be safe.
- Melakukan Restore
- Masuk ke CWM atau recovery lain.
- Pilih wipe data , wipe cahce , dan wipe dalvik (Optional) Jika kalian tidak ingin langsung ke step selanjutnya saja.
- kemudian pilih backup and restore, pilih restore, dan restore yang ada di folder dengan nama tanggal backup tadi lalu tunggu beberapa saat.
- Setelah itu lakukan reboot dan mungkin akan memakan waktu yang lumayan lama.
- How to Restore
- Go to CWM or other recovery.
- Select wipe data, wipe your cache, and wipe Dalvik (Optional) If you do not want to directly to the next step alone.
- then select backup and restore, choose a restore, and restore in the folder with the name of the backup date and then wait a few moments earlier.
- After the reboot, and it will probably take a fairly long time.